Girl Scouts of Central Illinois offers girls many opportunities to take on new adventures while earning badges. Check out the patch programs available to girls and troops.
The GSCI Monthly Patch Program is for troops and girls who are interested in additional activities. A new patch program is offered each month for girls to be introduced to a new topic with little preplanning needed for leaders. Use the patch program as meeting filler, a pre-meeting activity for the month, or an at-home project.
When the patch program is complete, follow the link below to order the fun patch and complete an evaluation. Patches are $3 each and will be mailed the following month. Patches must be ordered by the 15th day of the following month. Late patch orders will be accepted until the 20th of the month with a $.75 late fee accessed.
PLEASE NOTE: Patches are ordered after registration has commenced. Once ordered, it takes around a month for the council to receive the patches. At that time, the council then ships the patches to the address used when ordering.
For late patch orders please contact Customer Care at customercare@girlscouts-gsci.org or 888-623-1237.
Monthly Patch Program - September 2024-August 2025
Dive into the world of S.T.E.A.M. with GSCI! Every month you will discover more about Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math, as well as connect with a woman of your choosing in that field of study and take action through various activities and projects.
Individual patch registrations open the 1st of the month and the 15th of the following month. (ex. November Monthly Patch registration will open November 1 through December 15th.) Each patch is custom designed and will be mailed out roughly 8-10 weeks after the order is due. Individual patches are $3.50 each. Click here to register for monthly patches.
This year the Monthly Patch Program is in booklet form so you are able to work on the programs as you have time.
Community Service Patches 2024-2025
Celebrate the power of giving back with GSCI's Community Service Challenge. As Girl Scouts, helping others and making a positive difference in our communities is one of the most important things we can do. From giving back during the holidays, to helping our furry friends, to even just making someone's day a little brighter, you are sure to make the world a better place by completing this challenge. Earn up to 6 charms for completing a themed service project for each charm. The charms will clip directly to the iron-on patch. We give you 3-5 options for service projects but you can also come up with your own ideas based on the theme.
The Community Service Patches focus on giving back to others and planet earth. As Girl Scouts, helping make a positive difference in our communities is one of the most important things we can do. Focus on different aspects of the world around us, how it effects our planet, and what you can do to give back.
Community Service patch order registration closes the last day of every other month. Each patch is customer designed and will be available or mailed out roughly 8-10 weeks after each registration deadline. The cost of these patches is $3 each.
This year the Community Service Patches is in booklet form so you are able to work on the programs as you have time.
Earn your backyard challenge patch and rocker by completing the number of activities required by age level listed. - like fort building, learning about springtime flowers, playing with a pet outside, and so much more—to earn the Backyard Challenge patch! Make sure to always follow the Safety Activity Checkpoints when doing the challenges, and remember to wash or sanitize your hands after being outside.
The Backyard Challenge patch and rockers can be purchased in the GSCI Trefoil Boutiques.
Spring 2025
Winter 2025
Fall 2024
Summer 2024
Spring 2024
Winter 2024
Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements and contributions of the African American and Black communities—a time (though not the only time!) for emphasizing the central role of this varied community throughout U.S. history. Also known as African American History Month, the event grew out of “Negro History Week,” the brainchild of noted historian Carter G. Woodson and other prominent African Americans.
We’ve got plenty of activities for you to choose from as you join the Black History Month celebration. You’ll discover and learn your way to earning a Fun patch!
Discover how you can give back to make your community - and the world a better place. Girl Scouts always step up to do what they can to improve their communities and the world.
All across our country and our world, Girl Scouts are leaping to the aid of others by engaging in wonderful acts of service and kindness. Whether by writing letters to senior citizens, honoring first responders, taking part in a citizen science project, or promoting voting and democracy, now your troop can get involved in these unique Girl Scout activities too. Click here to learn more about the National Girl Scout Service Projects.
Girl Scout Tree Promise
Planting trees is a great way to become a steward of the environment. You and your troop can be a part of the Girl Scout Tree Promise, an initiative to plant five million trees in five years.
Honoring our Everyday Changemakers
Small acts of kindness and gratitude can have an incredible impact on your community! Girl Scouts can pay it forward by recognizing the people in their communities who have supported them in finding their unique paths.
Fighting Hunger
More than 50 million adults, kids, and families in the U.S. are experiencing food insecurity, a number that has only increased since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Girl Scouts can make a big difference in their communities— and for children around the world—by supporting hunger relief efforts.
Promote the Vote
Voting is arguably our most important civic duty—but barriers still exist. In many parts of the country, voting laws and protocols make it difficult for many people, especially people of color, to cast their votes in elections. There’s work to be done—and girls can play a part!
Citizen Science
How can you play a part in solving some of the biggest problems facing our planet? Enter citizen science, where volunteers help scientists collect data for their studies and experiments. Anyone can be a citizen scientist—all you need is curiosity and a willingness to help!
Letter Writing
The idea is simple: girls write letters to people in nursing homes, senior residences, and assisted living facilities, including the dedicated staff and caregivers. This longdistance hug is a way to share your good thoughts with these vulnerable and loved community members.
Cupid Crew Cards for Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity for you and your troop to reach out and show others that you care— especially those who may be alone on a day that’s all about connection!
Girl Scouts of Central Illinois has partnered with Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) to offer the Food Allergy Awareness Patch Program. FARE is the world’s leading food allergy advocacy organization and the largest private funder of food allergy research. Its mission is to improve the quality of life and health of individuals with food allergies and provide them hope through the promise of new treatments
The Food Allergy Awareness Patch Program requirements give Girl Scouts the opportunity to learn about life with food allergies, with an emphasis on raising awareness of the public health issue, which impacts 32 million children and adults in the United States.
Girls must complete 5 out of 10 activities. Before you begin, learn the basics of food allergies by reviewing FARE’s Food Allergy 101 web page!
Once you have completed your activities complete the information on the activity sheet and return to patches@girlscouts-gsci.org. Once your patches are ready you will be able to pick them up at your designated area. Special accommodations will be made for troops in the Quincy area. Due to a limited number of patches available this patch will only be offered to members of our council.