Girl Scouts of Central Illinois is committed to helping all girls make a positive change in their community and our world, regardless of their backgrounds, locations or financial situations.
Participating in a traditional Girl Scout Troop can be challenging for girls when there are not enough volunteers at their school or in their neighborhood. Through our community outreach programs, we provide the opportunity for all girls to become Girl Scouts and reach their full potential. Some barriers girls face to participating in Girl Scouts are lack of transportation, financial resources and parental support.
Under the mentorship and guidance of our staff facilitators, we are able to provide the Girl Scouting experience to more than 3,700 girls and their families each year in under-served communities throughout our communities.
With the support of grant funding, community partners and individual donors, we are able to champion these girls as they pursue their passions and forge their future. By supporting girls and amplifying their voices, we give them a chance to discover a lifetime of self-assurance, adventure and achievement.
We offer innovative and engaging enrichment programming, brought right to the schools or agencies, at no cost to you! We currently serve five major markets throughout Springfield, Peoria, Decatur, Champaign and Quincy. (Unless specified, the curriculum is designed for grades K-12 and can be presented in 30 minutes to 1-hour.) All girls that participate are eligible to attend council events, camps, and participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
We are proud to serve thousands of girls each year during the school year and throughout the summer! Our impact can be seen through our outcomes which include:
The reality is that the population of girls, for whom this leadership experience is essential, is growing. Without the support of grant funding, public and private donations, and our dedicated outreach volunteers, we would not have the resources necessary to provide Girl Scouts to the girls who need us most. Your financial support is greatly appreciated and will contribute to the overall growth of girls and our outreach program, please contact Customer Care at customercare@girlscouts-gsci.org or 888-623-1237.
Below are programs we currently offer. If your school, agency or organization is interested in a program opportunity, please contact Customer Care at customercare@girlscouts-gsci.org or 888-623-1237.
Outreach Programs
Mobile STEM Experience
Book this program to enhance your student’s experience in science, technology, engineering, and math! From robots to slime, our staff provides unique activities based on girl interests. Available in all areas.
Bully Prevention
Bullying and cyberbullying are serious concerns for school-age children. Our bully prevention program focuses on identifying bullying, what to do when you see it happen, and the effects it has on us and our community. Available in all areas.
Book Club
Empower students to become leaders against bullying and racism! Through literature, we study concepts, get inspired by leaders, and work through real-life situations. Read-aloud, discussion questions, and activities are provided to support each book selection. Designed for grades K-4. Available in all areas.
Becoming Me
Find your unique voice! Journaling, discussions, and activities revolve around overcoming obstacles to become our best selves. Designed for grades 4-12 as a 6-week series. Available in all areas.
Be Healthy, Be You
Whether they're trying a new sport or preparing tasty, nutritious snacks, girls enjoy many fun ways to lead healthy lives. The Be Healthy, Be You series provides the foundation for leading a healthy lifestyle. Girls also learn about being healthy on the inside by dealing with stress and conflict and building healthy relationships. Available in all areas.
Bring the archery range to you with our mobile archery program! Students will get to test their archery skills while building self-confidence. The program is designed for grades 2-12 and available March-October. Available in Quincy and Peoria areas.
Confidence Club
Boost your confidence, use your powerful voice, challenge yourself and fee like part of a community with the Confidence Club! Through highly interactive activities like debates and friendship building games. Students will feel empowered to be their best selves.