
Global Travel

Travel around the world with other Girl Scouts from GSCI! Council trips are open to currently registered members going into sixth grade through those graduating high school, as well as registered volunteers. As these trips are led by council staff, girls are welcome and encouraged to travel independently! 

Often traveling in June, we alternate between international and domestic trips. Trips range from a few days to two weeks and at times offer unique opportunities to earn area specific badges.

As we look to our future, possible council-led journeys include: Snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef, Dog sledding in Alaska, exploring ancient ruins in Italy and Greece, having tea at Juliette Gordon Low’s childhood home, and more!

Ready to pack your bags? Check out our upcoming 2025 itineraries!

Upcoming International Trips

2025 - Japan: Land of the Rising Sun

2027Europe - London, Paris and the Alps

Upcoming USA Trips

2026 -  Savannah, Georgia - June 18 - June 22, 2026

Join us as we visit Juliette Gordon Low's hometown! Five days exploring, a river cruise, get hands-on learning about ocean science, visit the Girl Scout Headquarters, and much more.

Cost includes: Meals (except one lunch and snacks when at the airports), tickets to museums, boats, and activities, rooming/hotel accommodations, flights and busses, tipping (for meals and tour guides), badges, patches, and pins (one patch and one badge from Tybee Island, one patch and one pin from the Birthplace, and one patch from the First Headquarters) and a t-shirt.

Please note: the dates may shift slightly.

GSUSA Destination