Be a part of council governance.
Girl Scouts of Central Illinois Annual Meeting Tuesday, April 29, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at our Springfield Service Center/Headquarters. Additionally, we will have a simulcast at our service center, and attendance by Zoom Meeting.
The Annual Meeting is an important opportunity for members to participate in the governance of our council. The GSCI Annual Meeting takes place every spring and is where we all work together with the vision to continue providing exceptional programs and experiences for girls.
This meeting includes the board chair’s report, the CEO’s state of the council address, council updates, and important votes.
Voting Requirements
Our council is governed by our membership. Any individual 14 years of age and older, who is a currently registered member of the Girl Scouts of Central Illinois are eligible to vote.
Click here to learn more about the nominees.
Click here to vote for the slate. Voting now means you will not be in attendance in-person.
Click here to be in attendance at our service centers or through Zoom.