What's New at GSCI

2025 Girl Scout Day at the Capitol Banner Contest

Get those creative minds working! The annual Girl Scout Day at the Capitol Banner Contest is upon us. Create a banner with your troop to display at GSD@C on May 2. The troop that creates the winning entry will proudly carry their banner and kick off the march in Springfield on Friday, May 2, 2025!

Contest Rules:

  • You must be a currently registered Girl Scout troop.
  • Your banner should be created using the 2025 theme: Helping Grow Our Communities!
  • A pcture of the completed banner must be email by April 21, 2025 to Sara Tate at state@girlscouts-gsci.org. Please include troop number and the troop leader's name and phone number.
  • Physical banner must be brought by the troop on the event day!

Click here to learn more about Girl Scout Day at the Capitol.

Winter- Spring 2025 Adventure Guide

The GSCI Adventure Guide is here! This guide contains programs from January 2025 to June 2025. Events are on our website Calendar. Registration for programs opens Wednesday, December 4 at 8:00 a.m.

Important Registration Information

  • Program registration closes on the specifed deadline, or when maximum numbers have been reached. 
  • A late fee of 25% of the program fee will be assessed if your late registration is accepted after the closing date. Late registration may not be accepted if an event is full or other circumstances prevent additional registrations.
  • All registrations must be made online to guarantee your spot in the program.
  • Confirmations will be emailed one week prior to each session. We must have a valid email address for confirmations!
  • To be added to the wait list for a full program, please call Customer Care at 888-623-1237.
  • In the event of extreme weather, an event may be canceled or rescheduled.
  • Fees are non-refundable unless the program is cancelled by the council.
  • GSCI reserves the right to cancel any program that does not meet the minimum attendance.
  • Cookie Dough or Nutty Bucks may be used for payment until it expires on September 20, 2025.

Learn more about our program event information.

Your Awesome Year as a Girl Scout Volunteer

Complimentary Girl Scout Experience Boxes for new Daisy troops are here to support you every step of the way!

We’re excited to announce that, starting in August 2024, new Girl Scout Daisy (K–1) troop leaders in participating councils will receive a monthly supply box filled with step-by-step instructions, ready-to-go supplies, and thoughtful script suggestions. Check out our FAQ or reach out to us to learn more.

This complimentary resource will follow the Daisy First Year Troop Plan and be delivered directly to troop leaders. Get started on your Year of Fun today!

Click here for more information.

Calling for Submissions for Troop Spotlight

Girl Scouts around our council are always active – camping, traveling, doing serviceprojects, and making the world a better place. Girl Scouts of tCentral Illinois invitesall Girl Scouts in our council to share photos of their adventures, achievements,projects, and more.

Share your story by completing a short form and uploading your pictures. Be sureto complete all the questions with details so we can highlight your troop and theiradventures. We'd love to feature it on our GSCI social media platforms and our website

Troop Leader Planner Printable Pages

Take the stress out of organizing your Girl Scout troop with the first edition of the GSCI Troop Leader Planner. This planner contains pages for meeting planning, member contact, cookie planning, badge activity planning, finance tracking and so much more!! Just print these pages as needed – or print all of the pages and bind them in a way that best suits your own organization. Another convenient tool is our New Leader First Year Membership & Participation Map.

Need an even easier button? You can also find this ultimate must-have planner printed and bound at your local Girl Scout Trefoil Boutique.

Please Note: This document is 92 pages. However, it contains lots of duplicated pages as your resource. Please view prior to printing and choose to print the entire document or just the pages that are helpful to you.