Product Programs

Girl Scouts participate in two product programs throughout the year. to support the adventures they want to go on. In supporting girls, you are investing in future female entrepreneurs as they learn about goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics.
The Girl Scout Cookie Program provides all Girl Scouts with opportunities to earn their own money and make their own choices!
When girls participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program, they get more than life-changing experiences and adventure. They also develop essential life skills—goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics—all while soaring in confidence and practicing leadership the Girl Scout way to lift one another up and change the world, together.
What an experience! That’s why we always focus on the interaction between cookie boss and cookie fan, and not cookie parent and cookie fan—this is SO important!
The Fall Product Program is a council-sponsored program that combines educational activities with money earning opportunities for the troops. The Fall Product Program is directed toward family and friends- those closest to Girl Scouting and enables troops to earn start-up money by selling magazine subscriptions as well as nuts and candy.
It is an excellent opportunity for troops to learn more about goal setting, sales, marketing, and budgeting. It's also a great way to earn income to support Girl Scout troop activities.
Thank you for your support of the girls, troops, and the council by purchasing or participating in the Fall Product Program!